BP Portrait Award 2006

Kitty by Andrew Tift - © the artist

by Andrew Tift
© the artist


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The BP Portrait Award 2006 is the most prestigious portrait competition n the world, promoting the very best in contemporary portrait painting.

With a first prize of £25,000 the exhibition has proved the launch pad for the careers of a number of successful portrait artists. This year's exhibition features over fifty works from an international list of artists that together display a diverse range of styles and painterly techniques, highlighting the vitality of portrait painting today. The BP Portrait Award 2006 also displays the work of 2005's Travel Award winner, Joel Ely, who travelled to Bilbao in Spain to document the 'Txoko', a gastronomic social club where men meet to prepare and eat traditional Basque food.


Royal West of England Academy
25 March - 20 May 2007