Notice and Take down Policy

Please contact us in the event that you are the owner of the copyright or related rights in any of the material on this website, or in a publication or broadcast to which National Portrait Gallery has provided material from its collections, and you believe that the material may be subject to a third party ownership or another legal claim, or you believe that use of this material infringes your intellectual property or any other rights.

Upon receipt of your written objection, and our initial verification of your complaint, we will withdraw the material from our website while the matter is investigated. Your objection will be acknowledged within seven working days of receipt.

Please include the following information in your email

  • Your contact details
  • The full details of the material you believe has made the infringement and where you found it
  • Proof or statement that you are the rights holder

Please send your query to [email protected] and a member of the Rights and Images team will deal with your enquiry as soon as possible.