
Home - London MapFour Corners - North London
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24 March - 5 August 2007
Studio Gallery

Admission free



Self Portrait Elevation by Kim Wan, 2007 - © Kim Wan

Self Portrait Elevation
by Kim Wan, 2007
© Kim Wan

A group of participants with Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese heritage living in North London worked with artists Andrea Sinclair and Weng Man to produce a clever twist on a traditional Chinese craft. Kite making is a well known and loved Chinese craft, that traditionally uses bamboo and silk. Using similar techniques but with willow, paper, paint and paper-cutting techniques the Four Corners participants have combined traditional Chinese kite making with portraiture. Participants looked for inspiration in their local North London area, as well as portraits in the Gallery Collection.

This part of the project was developed in partnership with Artsdepot, North Finchley, an arts centre offering a vibrant mix of performing and visual arts and a wide range of participatory activities for north London.

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